Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

easy wood projects build | Kids Craft Project Easy Beaded Felt Holiday Tree Ornaments

easy wood projects build

easy wood projects build

When my nieces and nephews come to my home to spend an afternoon, they always look forward to crafting with me. I try to pick out easy projects for all of us to do together. We were able to create several of these felt tree ornaments in just a few hours.

What is really great about this particular project is that children ages 7 and up can make them with some adult supervision. All of the supplies that you will need are readily available at your local craft or fabric store. If you are a proficient crafter like myself, you might have all of the supplies already on hand.

Once you complete these beaded ornaments, you can use them to hang on your holiday tree, off a garland, on a wreath or as package toppers. This is also a great project for the kids to do and they can give them out to family members and to their teachers.

Supplies You Will Need:

Green Craft Felt

Various Round Plastic Beads (various colors and size but no larger than 4 mm)

All-Purpose Liquid Craft Glue

Sewing Needle and Dark Green Sewing Thread

Wooden Dowel Sticks (1/8" diameter by 3" long)

Sharp Scissors

Disappearing Ink Marker (for tracing pattern)

Pattern: Simple triangle shape measuring 3 3/4" tall by 2 3/4" wide cut from paper and used as your template.

Step 1: Trace your triangles onto green colored felt and cut out. You will need two green triangles for each ornament that you make.

Step 2: Center your wooden dowel onto one piece of felt, leaving 1 1/2" of the dowel sticking out beyond the felt to resemble a tree trunk. Use a little glue to glue it into place and set aside to dry.

Step 3: Using dark green thread, hand sew various color and sized beads onto the front of one of your triangles.

Step 4: Sandwich the two triangles together (the one with the beads and the one with the wooden dowel). Using a sewing needle and dark green thread, whip stitch around the entire trees edges, being careful to not pull the stitches too tightly.

Step 5: Use a piece of thread and attach it to the top of the tree for a hanging loop. (I like to double my thread so its a little more sturdier).

Your little beaded felt tree ornaments are now ready to be hung onto your holiday tree.

Shelly Hill is a mother and grandmother living in Pennsylvania who enjoys crafting, sewing, crocheting and scrapbooking. You can visit Shellys online craft blog called Passionate About Crafting at http://passionateaboutcrafting.blogspot.com for free craft project ideas and tips. You can find a photo of the completed project on her blog at http://passionateaboutcrafting.blogspot.com/2009/11/easy-beaded-felt-holiday-tree-ornaments.html

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